So why music as meditation? The other evening, I was listening to a piece of music that I never fail to be deeply moved by and started to think of music as a meditation. For the record, the piece: the second movement of Beethoven’s 7th symphony. For me a passage […]
Monthly archives: August 2020
3 posts
This is a copy of a Facebook post from my "The Mindful Horse" page during the days of Covid-19. I received so many messages of thanks and gratitude for the share that I decided after deliberation to share it here too. I hope that it is equally appreciated. A FEW […]
The stories we tell ourselves influence everything. Period. We make sense of the world in narrative. Whether that is in the way that we learn the journey from A to B. Remembering the last place that we left our car keys or recalling a memory of an interaction with another […]