The literacy of feedback involves an understanding of the conscious and unconscious language within everyday exchanges. My work, wherever it s undertaken, consistently returns to one topic. The importance of developing a meaningful level of self awareness! Even if it is not the core agenda, it so often rears its […]
Equine facilitated learning
Emotions as motion - really? A few years ago when running an event at Athena Herd Foundation somebody asked me “how horses react to human emotion?” My flippant response in the moment was, “well they move". But that was exactly the point. On reflection this has got me thinking. So, […]
The power of equine facilitated learning is an introduction to the effective and impactful learning experience that can be achieved alongside horses. This event will be taking place in the heart of the West-Kent countryside near Paddock Wood. Horses reflect how we are. They are objective and impartial observers. They […]
The power of equine facilitated learning is an introduction to the effective and impactful learning experience that can be achieved alongside horses. This event will be taking place in the heart of the West-Kent countryside near Paddock Wood. Horses reflect how we are. They are objective and impartial observers. They […]
The power of equine facilitated learning is an introduction to the effective and impactful learning experience that can be achieved alongside horses. This event will be taking place in the heart of the West-Kent countryside near Paddock Wood. Horses reflect how we are. They are objective and impartial observers. They […]