Yesterday morning my usually smooth and gentle Qi Gong routine was difficult, it was clunky and clumsy. At first, I wondered why. Why was my body behaving so insensitively? There was no sense, I knew this routine inside out, I was well practiced. What was going on? Then I realised […]
As an introvert that has lived a life that would have much more suited an extravert, I was profoundly moved to come across Susan Cain’s book “Quiet.” In fact I am just about to commence my third listen. One of the most meaningful personal learnings that came to me from […]
I want to start with a book. Donald Kalshed’s Trauma and the Soul. Kalshed is what in the parlance is called a “Jungian.” The book is a respectful exploration of fractured souls. Souls that broke themselves apart when exposed to trauma by way of what he calls, (self) protection. I […]
I came across an inspiring opening to a chapter recently in Erik Jampa Andersson's book "Unseen Beings" (Hay House, 2023) which I wanted to quote in full to kick off this reflection "Nature is not a place. We often speak of it as if it were a kind of stage […]
Here's one to think about! We are all on a journey; but our perception of that journey might be a little misleading. Our natural tendency is to define our journeys as in terms of their beginning and their ends. We depart place A and arrive at place B. It is […]
In my role of supporting the Accredited Practitioner Register over the last couple of weeks I have joined various public events. In those sessions, one word seems to keep popping up, “Trust”. Most recently in two very different scenarios. Firstly, a seminar hosted by the Professional Standards Authority on promoting […]
This week I was lucky enough to spend an incredibly inspiring day at a conference on "Neurodiversity in the Workplace" with the Athena® team. I was struck by the Chair's (Dan Harris) prescient parting words, they were a powerful reflection on the future of the workplace, they paraphrase as best […]
I first read of Plato’s “the allegory of the cave” in The Republic, when I was in my 20’s. To be frank it was a stretch to comprehend. Now increasingly close to 60 it is beginning to make a little more sense to me. Without trying to recreate the detail […]
It is 10th February 2024 - Chinese New Year and the year of the Dragon. As was my birth year too. In recognition of this I would like to share this blog, "The dragon lies sleeping below." I hope that you enjoy this little flight of fancy...... The Dragon lies […]
“… without the making of theories I am convinced there would be no observation.” Charles Darwin (1860) in a letter to Sir Charles Lyell. The photo image that accompanies this blog is of a hand stencil from a cave in Borneo that is now recognised to be 40,000 years old. […]